N. 811 CHAIR

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PRODUCT / Dining room

N. 811 CHAIR

N. 811 CHAIR / GTV
By Josef Hoffmann
디자이너: Josef Hoffmann – 1930년 1930년 Josef Hoffmann 이 디자인한 밴딩처리된 너도밤나무 체어입니다. 모든 시대에 사랑받는 모던한 디자인을 지닌 N. 811 체어는 뛰어난 안락함과 가벼움을 자랑합니다. 다음의 세 가지 버전 중 선택 가능합니다: 케인 짜임 좌석 및 등받이, 업홀스터드 좌석 및 케인 짜임 등받이, 업홀스터드 좌석 및 등받이.
By Gebrüder Thonet
By Martino Gamper
By Otto Wagner

W. 45 x D. 48 x H. 82 cm (seat/H 49cm) 

W. 51 x D. 51 x H. 82 cm (seat/H 49cm)  



Josef Hoffmann

Josef Hoffmann (Brtnice, Moravia, 1870 – Vienna 1956) architect, attended the Staatsgewerbeschule in Brno. In 1892 he moved to Vienna to complete his training at the Academy of fine arts, where he was a pupil of Otto Wagner. In 1989 he became one of the founders of the Vienna Secession and, later, of the Wiener Werkstätte along with Joseph Maria Olbrich. The slightly anachronistic aspect of Hoffman’s work left him on the edges of the new architectural currents, critical debate and the crisis from which international rationalism came. In 1912 he founded the Österreichischer Werkbund, which in 1920 was transformed into the Austrian section of the Deutscher Werkbund.

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